Dear DNN Site Admins:
I have made these comments in the past, years ago, and this still causes support posts in the forums and a lot of confusion. I'm talking about the language of the Downloads page on this site. Specifically, the description of the different download packages. The main problem is with the "Install" package, which has been recently modified but still has the flaws I'm talking about. The new language is below:
Install Package - Contains only the files needed for a run-time deployment to a web server. Download the Install Package if you want to deploy a live site to a web server with the minimum required files. We recommend this package if you are new to DotNetNuke and wish to deploy a trial site for evaluation testing. Click here to receive the installation instructions for this package
Problem 1: First sentence, the word ONLY and related to that, the word MINIMUM on the second sentence. These two words work badly in the mind of newcomers to DNN, specially if they come from other technologies like PHP, etc. They don't want the minimum, only the run-time files, forget it, they want the whole enchilada. Although they don't really need it. Some newcomers get so confused by this that they try to compile the Core to be able to get started with DNN and well, this can cause them some technical issues.
Problem 2: The new sentence, in bold, that recommends the Install package for newbies, trial, and evaluation. Well, this is all really incorrect. The Install version is what you should use for trial, testing, evaluation, skins development, module development, and of course production. This is related to the issues with the description for the Source package below.
The install package description should also point out that there is no need to precompile DNN before you can use it. Also that you don't need any development tools to run it on your PC or a server.
Source Package - Contains everything including full application source code. Download the Source Package if you are a web developer interested in extending or customizing the DotNetNuke web application framework.
Problem 1: I have been working with DNN for years, standard Web site setups and module development, and never touch the Source version. After all, isn't the "DNN Mantra" to avoid fooling with the Core to avoid upgrade incompatibilities in the future??? The language for the Source package is extremely bad because it says that if you are a "web developer interested in extending or customizing the DotNetNuke web application framework" you should get the Source package. Okay, that language is correct if you are really talking about the "application framework" but the reality is that when newcomers read it they think that in order to extend or customize a Web site created with DNN they need the source. Which you all know is incorrect. You can create custom modules and skins using the Install version, no source needed whatsoever.
Problem 2: The word EVERYTHING in the first sentence. Again, related to the word ONLY discussed above. Same mentality and perception issues apply, remove it. Just say that the source package includes the Source code "for those experienced developers that are interested to modify the core framework, which is of course not recommended". And again point out that the source is not needed for trial, testing, evaluation, skin development, or module development, PC or server.
These are issues of semantics and perception of course, but that is exactly my point. These things are being read and interpreted the wrong way. Just don't assign an experienced DNN programmer to rewrite the section .
Just a suggestion.
I'm clicking the Notification check mark just in case...