Hi All,
It looks like "form And Lists" standard DNN module is a very good candidate to make custom forms to handle lookup data and small production tables. Is that approach described somewhere already?
Still an issue with localization exists (am I missing something?): it would be useful for this "form And Lists" module to have ResourceKey defined for custom fields' labels, help strings and custom fields' grid header captions. Then localization values can be defined in SharedResource but it would be better to have localization resources to be defined in
and for every {{ModuleName}} folder to have defined several custom resource files for used locales, e.g.:
- system.resx (deafult system locale)
- ru-RU.resx - Russian
- nl-BE.resx - Dutch (Belgium)
- pt-pt.resx - Portugal
That method of keeping and using localization resources would be also useful IMO for modules as XMODPro etc.
As for using "form and Lists" data as lookup tables - that should work well provided there will be additional "form And List" table defining moduleId and lookup table name of individual lookup "form and List" tables and then custom UDFs/views can be developed to simulate true flat custom lookup tables...
"Reinventing the wheel"? Is that approach already broadly used in DNN community and described somewhere? Please post then the links on that info here.
Thank you.