SigmaEx is optional, you don't need it to use SigmaPro.
SigmaPro does have graphics for status, priority and milestone indicators. It also has an optional Dashboard you can display on the projects master task list. And... you can optionally display the projects current phase as well. You can also create your own custom reports within SigmaPro. What kind of graphical representation are you looking for?
Most people use SigmaPro in a secured environment so I don't have many links to show you. For example, I have a project in SigmaPro for each product but only those in a Team assigned to the project can view, edit and create tasks. But I can show you how I'm using SigmaPro, check out the following links....
SigmaPro as a Support Desk... (you will need to log-in since it only shows the current users requests)
SigmaPro as a Bulletin Board (showing details on the release of each product from OnyakTech). The bulletin board is populated from several projects in SigmaPro configured to post to the bulletin board:
Also using SigmaPro to handle all new requests, which has helped organize everyones requests and allows others to provide feedback on another persons requests. It also allows me to notify people when their requests are being worked on, the ETA and when it's completed:
SigmaPro as a Knowledge Base:
SigmaPro also has a free add-on called SigmaPro Help Desk. This add-on interacts directly with SigmaPro Draconis so you will need SigmaPro Draconis to use it. You don't need to use the Help Desk add-on since you can get the same results by configuring SigmaPro Draconis. The add-on is just a quick way to get your Help Desk system running, it's a very simple interface and requires just two settings. Most people start with it to just get going, after they get to know SigmaPro they use the core SigmaPro Draconis module instead since it offers much more control over the end-users experience:
You can also use SigmaPro without having people authenticate with DNN (anonymous users can created tickets):