Hey all,
Our company is having numerous problems with the new store and it seems that although I send three tickets I didn't get an answer, just an automated reply with the ticket ID. This is the 5th time within the last month that I send a ticket without reply and it really deducts from my excitement of our first skin for sale :( and it's a shame.
Problems in synopsis:
- edit listing does not work. Although we changed the html of the desciprion, that description seems that is reverting back to the original one or not saving
- our product is not displayed in the latest skin listings or highest rated listings (published 22/01, 5/5 stars). Although we checked the module categories and tabs (and in relation with the skins that are displayed) :(
- we cannot upload files that are downloaded for a specific product option. As soon as we upload a file in the product option, the file relates to the standard downloads and not the particular option.
So.. anyone else has the same problems?
Thanks in advance for anyones time,