I'm sure there is a post somewhere about this, so if you know it please just refer me to it, but search yielded nothing.
I'm running an older version of DNN 5.1.4. Older client. They're having a bizarre issue using their rich text editor to insert an image. I already discovered that the file manager stops working completely in IE9, but that aside, even as an administrator, I cannot select images in certain folders. In some folder, I can click on the image, and the selected image properties fill in the window. However, in several other folders, you can click all you want on an image, it will never select/respond.
I checked user permissions, folder permissions, etc. Nothing is screaming at me. Even the log viewer shows nothing but I guess that makes sense as the screen also does nothing.
The images show up fine. All editors can upload images to these folders just fine. They just can't select them for inserting.
Am I missing a setting here? Am I late to a 'it's just broken' party? Help. I'm going insane.