Here are some of the portals we did
http://www.ngf.nl ( heavily modified dnn1 site for the dutch golfing federation)
http://www.lecturama.nl ( dnn3 portal with modified catalook )
And the latest one I did at my regular job
http://z.nu.nl ( a large corporate news site we allready had more than 2000 users online at the same time without a hickup - this site uses custom menus and tableless ksin for optimal performance - a custom framework was also developed to use standard usercontrol instead of redoing a lot of functionality as dnn modules each time. )
Here are some of my smaller "more design oriented) ones but they show you that the dont have to look like cookie cutter dnn sites
http://www.offshoreprogrammeur.com ( custom skin, custom menu and custom skinobject to generate dynamic images for moduletitles )
skin also tableless - no containers or anything all styling is done with pure css and overiding classes and cascading classes
In general dnn can do what you want you just need to customize yourself. Altho a lot of sites likelike "cookie cutter dnn sites" you will find some gems out there.
This one I like a lot in case of nice clean skin as well as clear setup and still display posibillities for a lot of information and it never looks cluttered http://www.smallbizserver.net/
Armand Datema
Get my new skin ( lots of design variations [18 headers, 30 titlebars, 30 breadcrumbs, 3 footers ], 50+ typography containers , 50+ page templates and an online theme builder for unlimited skin variations) Aura>
For all your skin conversions
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