Thanks again for the Link and sorry I am still not able to get it running!
As I use DNN for Intranet i will use the Windows authentication.
I changed now the IIS Settings to only allow Windows Auhentication. Afterwards the Login vanished I got the always the 404 Error Page (for every Page):
"Sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be found and might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. It is recommended that you start again from the homepage. Feel free to contact us if the problem persists or if you definitely cannot find what you’re looking for."
As URL it is always: HomepageURL/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=...
No matter what i change in the web.config the Error is not changing.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".DOTNETNUKE" protection="All" timeout="60" cookieless="UseCookies" />
Or using:
<identity impersonate="true"/>
<authentication mode="Windows">
1) Do you maybe know why I get this Error and how to fix it?
2) In the Link I found some Code like this:
<authentication mode="Windows|Forms|Passport|None"> </authentication>
Is it possible to run Windows and Form Authentication at the same time? (Like standard is Windows, but you can Login as Superuser) with something like this?
<identity impersonate="true"/>
<authentication mode="Windows|Forms">
<forms name=".DOTNETNUKE" protection="All" timeout="60" cookieless="UseCookies" />
I am really sorry if I am asking obvious questions, but i am not very familiar with web technology.