For a bit of fun with numbers, here are some statistics from the DotNetNuke Websites Directory on our site.
DNN Version:
1.x |
20 sites |
3% |
2.x |
115 sites |
16% |
3.x |
555 sites |
75% |
4.x |
31 sites |
4% |
Totally 736 sites added continously from january 2006, the version is from the time the site was added so the number of 4.x sites is too low since some sites has certainly been upgraded since they where added.
Africa |
8 sites |
Asia |
31 sites |
Australia |
55 sites |
Canada |
32 sites |
Central America |
2 sites |
Europe |
165 sites |
Oceania |
6 sites |
South America |
6 sites |
United States |
431 sites |
Obviously we have not been very good at finding websites from africa, central america and south america. If you know of a DNN website, this is the direct link to suggest a website:
Usage of some popular modules (focus on easy to spot modules):
Activemodules Activeforums |
83 sites |
Dnnsoft CataLook |
17 sites |
Core Blog |
56 sites |
Core Forum |
45 sites |
Core Repository |
17 sites |
Core Gallery |
12 sites |
Ventrian NewsArticles |
77 sites |
Byte Express Lane Store |
6 sites |
Dotnetnuke-modules PortalStore |
29 sites |
Ventrian Simple Gallery |
53 sites |
Bizmodules Ultra Photo Gallery |
11 sites |
Excluding Text/HTML, Image, Announcements, Events, Documents, Links and many others, see the Directory for which modules that has been tracked. This is by no means a correct or complete tracking of the use of modules. It was only added so that if someone is interested in a module they could easily see some websites using it and maybe get an idea for their own website.
Here is the direct link to the Directory:
Mostly this is just fun with numbers on a very limited set of DNN websites.