Using DNN 3.1.1 hosted on Lunarpages.Com, SQL 2005, Windows 2003
About 550 registered users.
Site has been running normally for a couple of weeks, started to slow down recently, and now
whenever I log in, goes to a complete slowdown, even though it still runs at the regular speed for
a non-logged in user. In other words, once I log in, the admin menu shows but I am not able to
do anything.
Lunarpages (my ISP) cannot seem to figure anything out, and I am not able to do anything as admin or host once I log in.
I can access one or two pages after loggging in, and then the pages won't load, etc. I can then log out and the site runs at the normal speed again.
I deleted one of the portals in the site on the on the weekend, but don't know if this had anything to
do with the current problem or not. But I'm grasping at straws right now.
Any help as to what to do on this would be much appreciated.