pushed for time at the minute, sorry to bundle all these answers in 1 post
egyptegypt, I appreciate that you cannot donate your changes, that's absolutely fine. I was also not trying to suggest that you didn't bring problems to our attention, if you interpreted my words that way I apologise. However, I would ask that you submit any future issues/enhancement requests via the public issuetracker (http://support.dotnetnuke.com/Main.aspx), as forum posts tend to get lost/unread (there are 500+ posts here on some days, noone can keep up with them all)
Dave, thank you for the offer, I will raise it with the rest of the coreteam to see if it can be used (I know this was an area that was being looked at already, so efforts may already be underway). FYI: code submitted has to go through a process, please look at http://dotnetnuke.com/DotNetNukeProjects/tabid/824/Default.aspx ( look for "To avoid legal problems" ), to see if you are happy about the requirements. Note: these requirements really only apply to addition of chunks of code, code that fixes bugs does not require the signing of documents.
purplebox, you're absolutely right. The best way to get code into the core, is to provide a high quality submission, with as much detail as possible, and state your case well. The easier it is to evaluate/test/secure proposed code, and the more people with a requirement for that code, the faster it will be assessed for inclusion