Hi All,
I'm really new to DNN, I'm currently investigating it as a possible enterprise CMS solution, opening it up to users around our origanisation (currently around 400 staff) so they can maintain their own content with a few super users having publish sign off permission. Any comments on the suitability of DNN for this purpose?
Has anybody produced a dnn site that has a similar kind of interactivity as windows live?!? We're a city council and are investigating the possibilities of individuals being able to customise their home page to show the information they're interested in, be it rates, latest council news, weather, upcoming council meetings, library books on loan, parking fines, latest faqs etc...
I notice that a lot of dnn sites are still largely html table based with font tags etc. I'd like to use CSS as much as is feasible, is their any strategy for dnn modules to be more css compliant ?
Any comments much appreciated,