No, after getting no response for a few days, I referred to this problem in
This thread and did get some responses, but have not had time to track down the source of the error.
As far as upgrading goes, I did an upgrade on my intranet site without any problems, But my ISP has a different method of setting up SQL object ownership than I have on my local server and that seems to have caused this problem.
If your tables are ALL owned by "dbo", you probably won't have this problem. If your DNN tables are owned by your database user name, as in my case, you may have issues. It seems that the particular table here can ONLY be owned by dbo, but some function in DNN is prependig the wrong owner name. I have found this upgrade (actually any upgrade FROM 3.2.2) to be very frustrating. I have tried a couple of times before with different versions, but had so many issues that I kept reverting back to 3.2.2 (thank god for backups).
The change from NET 1.x to NET 2.x has been a factor and also caused issues, particularly related to permissisons for the DNN worker process. Those were ISP issues and not DNN issues. That said, I have been resolving the issues little by little, and the site IS working now, which is further than I got with previous upgrade attempts. I purchased several modules from Snowcovered that require at least a 3.3x DNN version and eventually know that I will have to move to a 4.x or higher version, so I have been anxious to get this version working.
My advice at this point, is that if you really don't need to upgrade and your current install is working well, then don't upgrade. If you do decide to, then make sure you have good backups of both the entire fileset and the entire database. and that you know how to re-install it all if you have to. Make usre you follow the upgrade instructions (modifying the release.config etc) - I have a number of changes from the satandard web.config required by different modules like the Speerio file manager and FCK editor so it is important to keep track of those <!-- JJB: I use a comment with my initials in the XML code for every change so they are easy to track down during upgrades -->
I needed functionality that I cannot get with 3.2.2 so I really HAVE to upgrade.