I installed DNN 3.3.0 RC1, and the version of the announcement module included doesn't seem to properly decode the HTML text from the database for each announcement.
For instance... Before I was running DNN 3.2.0, and was able to submit html formatted announcements, and the announcements were rendered properly. But after I upgraded to DNN 3.3.0, the announcements now show pure HTML (with the tags, etc.) instead of decoded HTML as it seems it should.
Reproduce: Download and install (or upgrade to) DNN 3.3.0. Add the announcement module to a page. Add a new announcement. In the announcement body, use some formatting options such as bold, italic, lists, etc.
When you update the announcement and try to view it... you'll see that the body shows the html source instead of the properly formatted body text.
Am I the only one who sees this? Should I uninstall (please say no) the new announcement module and revert back to the original?