Yes, there is a guide being built and there is an offering from someone to be in charge of the documentation. I just returned from vacations and want to establish contact again with the possible new team. So, there will be a new guide soon.
About the styles, a good skin must include the default font inside the most used tags and also inside the NORMAL related classes too.
FCKeditor manages styles by using two resources:
1) a .XML file that includes a list of attributes to list in the styles toolbar. This is just a xml file with a specific format described here:
The provider has included tree ways of managing this xml info:
a) Static: The provider will use the standard .xml file located at:
b) Dynamic: Each DNN page loads a set of style pages (Default, skin, portal, module, etc). By setting this option to dynamic, the provider will instruct the editor to use those styles. There is a possible REGEX filter to clean the styles list
c) Static: You can tell the provider to use a custom .xml file (Must follow the rules explained in the previous link). So you can include the styles you want and customize your own styles
2) As a second resource (optional bu somehow necessary), all the styles created inside the XML file that refer to a CLASS property must exist in the loaded styles at both sides: Normal page view and when editing. So those styles can be included at any of the already loaded styles by the page itself. Those styles must also be loaded for the editor and to be applied when editing. The provider includes tree ways to manage the editor loaded styles
a) Static: The provider will use the .css file located at:
b) Dynamic: The provider will include all the DNN styles when editing
c) Static: You can define a custom .css file to be used
If dynamic styles are chosen, the default font will be the default font applied to BODY in your skin or replaced in your portal.css (Portal settings) . The static mode tels the editor to use the already explained default files, so you can define your default font there
So, it is really very easy to configure how styles are managed.
Hope it helps