Hi Rodney, thanks for the reply.
That setting is for the actual FCK editor itself. The bit I'm referring to is the size of the pop-up dialogue that appears when the "Insert Image" button in FCK is clicked. It's the same button as is in this very forum editor right here... with the little mountains on it. I'll put up some screengrabs so people know exactly what the issue is.
Here's the editor as it opens in IE. It's not re-sizable in this mode and the real issue is that the preview window inside it is far to small to make it clear to the user what the alignment option is doing. It only adds more confusion rather than assisting anything.

Note how I also change all the wording in the dialogue. This is to make things more clear to people who are not all that computer-savvy, but may have been tasked with editing content on a site. Terminology such as "Alternate text" and Vspace" are inappropriate. In the drop-down I also remove all the funny bits like Abs Bottom and Baseline and simply leave "Bottom".... I'm getting side-tracked here, but that should clarify my motivation.
And here it is in Firefox. Now it is re-sizable, but resizing is only useful for users who are clever enough to think that they should do that - And that's not a lot of people in my experience with clients. It's surprising how many people don't even know that a window can be resized, or haven't got the confidence to try it.

And here it is resized as I would like it to be as soon as it is opened. The preview area now shows something useful.

I'll have a dig around Sourceforge as well now and see if I can find a solution.