I am using the Collaborative events module, with in it in the event description field, it is using the FCK editor.
In Custom Editor Options I have been able to disable all toolbars, except for The BOLD and Italics buttons are still visible, the numbered and bulleted buttons are visible and the "Links" button is visible. The problem w/ links is that as a registered user I can see all pages to link to with in my own site, I can also see files,
I am a little worried about this issue as someone could upload a file or image into folder when I don't want them to. As with this FCK Editor I can Link to files and or pages to the DNN Site LinkClick.aspx
When all the toolbars were enabled as a registered user, when selecting to insert image, I could also view upload folders, and even create a new folder ( from the FCK Image Gallery Panel) the only for me (as a registered user) to not view or create a new folder was to select Root as image upload path in the Custom editor/Other options section.
But as admin or host I cannot find the folder that was created by me as a registered user. I've looked in Admin/file manager and Host /File Manager.
So basically is there a way to turn off all Buttons or toolbars for the fck editor. (I am only doing this for this module)
or is there away to to allow registered users to create a link or upload an image with out having them be able to view my file names (as they can do w/ the link button)