Hello all,
I'm new to DotNetNuke, but have been a developer for 10 years. I am having trouble understanding how the development environment needs to be configured in order to add functionality to an existing moduel (specifically the Events module). This is what I have done, following what I could find on the forums:
1) Install and set up DotNetNuke (this is done and working)
2) Download and install starter kit (done)
3) Download calendar source (done)
Ok, here is where I'm having difficulty. I opened the website in VS 2008. I added the four projects in the source file to the solution. I changed the names of the projects. I removed and readded references so that it would compile. I've run the .dnn through the website. My problem arises because there is an existing EVENTS folder and module installed by default in the DesktopModules folder. I created a different directory for my install in the same folder. The application seems to get confused over which .dll to use. If I remove the default EVENTS .dlls and directory, the module still seems to be looking for the files in that path. If I replace the default EVENTS folder with my own install, it still generates errors when trying to use the module on a page.
Can anyone provide me some advice, direction, or point me to some documentation that might help?