Jan, thanks for the advise. I tried as you suggested and I expected under the Host Settings to see the 'Is Web Farm?' report back true (or checked). I installed a fresh install of version 5.1.4. In the web.config I set the 'EnableWebFarmSupport' = true. I looked at the webservers table and noticed a record already in there for my current server. so I tried a few things (I restarted the application each time I made a change so the new settings would take effect).
1) With 'EnableWebFarmSupport' = true and the record dnn created in the webserver table ... didn't work ('Is Web Farm' didn't show true on the Host Settings page)
2) With 'EnableWebFarmSupport' = true and 1 record in the webserver table BUT set the field 'enabled' to true and entered my portals URL into the 'URL' field... didn't work
3) Same as 2 but copied the record in the webserver table so I now had two records... didn't work, got error (Subquery returned more than 1 value) dnn also create another record in the webserver table, same as the first record it created ('Enabled' was set to false and there was no value in the 'URL' field)
4) Same as 2 but I copied the first record (deleted all others) and this time changed the name of the 'ServerName' field so it didn't match the first record.... didn't work, but this cleared up the subquery error and dnn did not create any new records
5)Tried all of above but set the 'EnableWebFarmSupport' in the web.config file to false (who knows, maybe dnn wants to be the one to manage this) ... didn't work
6)Tried all of the above and turned the ASP session state service on and set it up in the web.config ... didn't work ...
So as you can see I am still missing something. It's probably real simple. Any ideas?