Hi all,
I am building a DNN module and I noticed quite high performance degradation from DNN 06.00.02 to 06.01.05.
I measured the server time with Google Chrome at my local machine:
While the “sending” and “receiving” time are for both versions minimal (1ms), the “waiting” time DOUBLES in DNN v 6.1 (from 450 ms to 1000ms) . I suppose this is the server processing time.
I further investigated with the help of the Equatec profiler http://www.eqatec.com/Profiler/ and I found out, that the bottleneck is the method (stack)
ClientDependency.Core.Controls.ClientDepandencyLoader.OnPreRender(…) ClientDependency.Core.Controls.ClientDepandencyLoader.RegisterClientDependencies(…) ClientDependency.Core.Controls.ClientDepandencyLoader.FindDependencies(…)
from the ClientDependency.Core.dll is even not called in DNN v 6.0.
The ClientDependency.Core.Controls.ClientDepandencyLoader.OnPreRender(…) takes 851 ms.
I was really surprises when I Googled about the ClientDependency.Core.dll and I found that this library is actually supposed to increase the performance : )
Anyone knows there are any additional settings needed, or has any idea why is this method so slow or does have the same problem?
If everywhere works like this I would say this is a bug…??
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I am running DNN on IIS 7.5
Thank You,