By "groups of dnn pages", I mean pages that form a hierarchy (not necessary a hierarchy that is headed with a page at the same level as the Home page.)
I know that I can copy web pages, one by one, using the admin login via the web-based dnn interface. But, I'd prefer a script or wizard, of some sort (that runs scripts behind the scenes) that can allow me to
1) specify a web page that I want to copy (along with the hierarchy of pages under it)
2) specify the names and titles of the new top-level pages
3) specify whether the contained modules of the top-level page that I want to copy is to be :
( ) New ( ) Copy ( ) Reference
(as in the web-based interface)
4) repeat 3) for each of the source pages in the hierarchy that I want to copy
You might say that I am looking to do something similar to creating a portal web site based on a template, except that it's not an entirely new website - instead it's a section of the current web site.
I might want to do this because I have an organization which is broken into chapters, and I want each chapter to have, say, it's own General Information page (which acts like it's home page), and underneath that, in it's hierarchy, a Contact Info page and an Events page.
If I have 200 chapters, I certainly don't want to copy those 3 web pages using the web based interface, as that would take a long time. (And imagine if each chapter's new sub-website had 30 pages!) I just want to specify the parameters of a copy process, then press a button, and let the system do the rest.