I have managed to get quite a bit done today on this. I did a lot of research, and learned quite a bit about the web.config that I did not know. I also realized that when I was using FileZilla to change directory permissions, it was actually not changing and was giving an unknown error in the message window. I will try and figure out why this is later, but I went to GoDaddy and used the FTP File Manager on their site to change permissions.
I have gotten as far as now I am getting this error:
Could not connect to database specified in connectionString for SqlDataProvider
Of course this is a problem in the web.config and I found the line with the SqlDataProvider string but I am not 100% sure what exactly I should put where.
I will give the line here:
<data defaultProvider="SqlDataProvider">
<add name="SqlDataProvider" type="DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke.SqlDataProvider" connectionStringName="SiteSqlServer" upgradeConnectionString="" providerPath="~\Providers\DataProviders\SqlDataProvider\" objectQualifier="" databaseOwner="dbo"/>
and I will give my database connection information here: (yes I know someone will go OMG dont do that you are giving away your password and sensitive information!!!! Don't worry, this is just for testing purposes only and this database will be gone in a couple days anyways. I am just playing around with it so I am not worried.
Server: hogtesting05.db.8267791.hostedresource.com
Database Name: hogtesting05
Database Username: hotgesting05
Password: Gateway123
I would greatly appreciate if someone could please edit that SqlDataProvider for me to show what it should be on the live server, and then from this point forward I will have a clue on how to change it myself.
Thank you much!!