I'm a beginner with C# and Visual Studio.
I have a need for an internal website for the company I work at.
I need the following:
- A Wiki
- A Forum
- A Bug Tracker
- A Survey Tool
I found some really nice open-source solutions, based on C# and MS SQL Server. I really know Oracle best, but I guess that learning MS SQL should be no problem. The ones I found and really like are:
- Screwturn Wiki
- Yet Another Forum
- Bugtracker.Net
- Survey Project
I really like them all, and I can't believe how great it is that they are all available for free!
I have a question though: I want them all to use the same kind of login/membership procedure. So a user goes through one login/join procedure and then that user is basis for all activities in all the different web-solutions. One alternative would be AD integration, but I have limited access to creating AD groups and such so I think it's better to have the solution outside of AD.
OK, that was a long text, but finally, here comes the question then :-)
Would Dot Net Nuke be a good alternative to me? My needs are described above. I can see that "Survey Project" is creating a DNN module version, the other web solutions I am not sure of. But could you explain to a beginner what the challenge would be to use DNN as a framework, or a "skeleton" for a site, for instance to handle users and permissions and then integrate other open-source solutions like the one I mention above? Of course I understand that there could be problems, otherwise a solution like "Survey Project" wouldn't see the need to develop a DNN module, if everything would be hunky dory to integrate the existing solution to a DNN site. Could you describe the challenges I would find to me?
Another question: I can see that the community version of DNN is totally free to use and customize. The other versions costs. I fully understand that the free community version comes "as-is" with only the support that other contributors in same situation as me are willing to give. But is that the only difference? Or are there parts in the commercial versions that are simply not available to me as a user of the free version? I am sure that the answer is easy to find, so I will google it a bit more, but if anyone can point me to to a good page describing the limitations of free DNN compared to the paid versions I would be grateful.