Hello everyone, hopefully this is the right place for this post. I'm not new to DNN, but I am new to the core messaging system, which I've had to use for a module I recently built. The module is a help desk basically, users who are having problems on the site submit trouble tickets, and after they submit it, if they were logged out of the site, an email is sent to the address they provide, containing their ticket number and a link to where they can check the status of said ticket.
If they're logged in, then they are also sent an email address, and also a message on the site, with the same information. I figured out how the core messaging tables work, and I have the messages sending out correctly, however, I can't get it to send a link correctly for them to check on their ticket status. The URL is sent just as plain text, which they could just paste into the address bar, but I wanted to send a link for them to simply click. HTML hasn't worked, the <a> tag just showed as plain text instead of rendering as a link, and as a shot in the dark I also tried bbcode. Is there a way to get a link to send through core messaging? I've tried everything I can think of but I keep coming up with nothing.