I'm looking for some understanding of the correct process to move a DNN site from one hosting to another (WinHost). I have been provided with the backed up databases, and a copy of the DNN7.2 files, and the credentials for the super user for the site that is still on the old hosting. From my understanding this site has several other sites associated to the same DNN platform (portals as I understand).
My Process
Start up an installation of DNN 8.3 on WinHost and set up the db and the user. Done.
I recognized that the files I have are a previous version and I'll need to upgrade the site, but I'll need to do this where it will be hosted in WinHost. I think I understand this process but I don't know what could go wrong.
Move the DNN7.2 files up to the FTP server for WinHost.
Here's where I'm concerned. If I move the files up, then won't there be conflicts as the previous DNN was setup under a different DNN platform? I can attempt to ftp the files up if there's no concern here. (I previously moved the DNN7.2 files up and some things were broken. Photos, urls, looked like JS was broken on the pages, etc.)
Then I'm curious if I can just point the web.config file to the newly restored db's that WinHost is hosting.
Other Notes:
I saw online that you can export / import templates but I'm not sure if that helps me accomplish this task.
I saw online that someone said that the portal id's are not going to be correct and I'm not sure how to resolve that.
Thanks for any help understanding the DNN platform and moving hosts in advance!