Whenever I install a new module I get my SQL server and IIS box into a bad series of events. On the SQL trace I can see this being run over and over again:
exec dbo.GetTabPermissionsByPortal @PortalID=0
I can see this:
exec dbo.GetSchedule @Server='DOTNETNUKE'
I can see this:
exec dbo.ifty_GetTabsAndRedirects @portalId=0,@includeAdminPages=1,@includeHostPages=1
I can see this:
exec dbo.GetTabPermissionsByTabID @TabID=34,@PermissionID=-1
The fix is to restart IIS.
Can anyone help me understand why I can see these statements running thousands of times - same thing over and over again? I am running DNN version: 5.05.01(22)
There are also strange things happening with my install when I try to move modules using the Module Setting - Move menu. The module will not move.... the page reloads but the module is still there.
Sometimes I will delete a module and it will stay after reload... then a refresh takes is away... then a refresh will bring it back- ARHHH - please help.
Thank you