I want talk about DNN Portal and Low Speed, no sorry, Supper Low Speed and The Biggest Problem of this Big Platform is just "SLOW".
I use 5 years DNN, there are many lovely features for using DNN but there is only 1 problem to cover all good things on DNN and this is Cause that only 1% of people around the world using DNN Platform, BECAUSE THIS IS TOTALLY SLOW.
I use Dedicated Server also and Good configuration and I test my websites by gtmetrix.com and I got Grade 93% A on page Speed and Grade 76% C on YSlow....
The problem was CDN, Etags, Minify JS and CSS and somethings like this...
I Active File Combination with JS and Css Check box checking, no result and just my Skin has been Explode!!! I Check all checkbox of CDN without 2 URLs for this section because I don't know what is this, but again my test result was same before....
Any body is there to help me how can make my website faster by internal settings?
for example this "Persian Language" website: www.shaghayegh2.com" you can see my test on http://gtmetrix.com/compare/DigSfyos/51G6Srdm or http://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.shaghayegh2.com%2F%D9%85%D8%AD%D8%B5%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AA
Please help me to make fast this DNN very bigger website by Wordpress are too much faster 2 time minimum faster!