Howdy folks. Here's my site.
I'm already well aware of the severe design shortfalls and resource limitations when it comes to building this site, so this is a constant work in progress. But, I'm slowly addressing the problem with content bloat, as there are a few years worth of content and it was summarily dumped onto the site with the News Articles, which has gone a long way to getting the site tidy.
So far it was great, as I discovered on this page...
Which kept the scrolling to a minimum (but I do have to do a lot of editing to get this to look right).
Then I attempted to do the same thing on this page...
Given that the articles are divided up into two sections, I thought it'd be prudent to break it up into two separate news modules, at which point I discovered that composing an article in the top news module ("Mommy's Health") also opened up the composition tool in the bottom news module ("Baby's Health"). Minor annoyance, but I rolled with it.
Things were going okay for a while, but then I discovered that the articles are now unreadable. Clicking on "Read the rest of this article...", the article title, etc, just takes me back to the same page.
Does this mean that we simply can't have more than one news article module on the page?