So I am looking for a module to do the following with, any tips on something that will work pretty much out of the box would be great, I've seen countless sites do it, so I'm sure something already exists.
Basically I want to have "blogs" on my website. There are two categories, but more could be possible later on. Employee blogs and just normal everyday user blogs. Any registered user would be able to post into the normal blogs, but only users with the role employee would be able to post in the employees blog section.
I also need to be able to display a last 5 employee blogs type module on the main page of the website.
Users with the Employee role should be able to edit any blog on the site.
That's about it, I've looked some on the store, but these descriptions are written in such poor english, they are hard to understand, much less determine if they will fit my needs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.