I am using DNN 6.02.02 and it is setup as a private registration site
I am confused as to how to use the User Account settings (RegistrationSettings) in Site Settings section and how that works with the registration screen.
When a new user clicks Register it ONLY asks for is user name, password, display nameand email. That is certainly not enough to know anything about them.
However on site properties I set several more fields as requiredand even added a couple of new required fields so I will know a little about who is asking to register.
On the Registration Settings page I saw I can select acustom registration form and specify the fields I wanted the user to fill in. That sounds perfect!
First problem was that I can NOT select any custom fields even though they show up in the profile settings on bottom of screen. How do I make them show up on registration screen?
So I went ahead and filled in the fields and then selected to Redirect to Home after registration and then hit update at bottom of page.
I logged out the hit Register.
WOW, the registration screen is EXACTLY the same as beforeand none of the extra fields are requested. It is NOT a custom screen at all.
I filled out the registration and hit Register. A note popped up saying an email will be sent, but the Register button was STILL there. It hit it again and again, finally I hit cancel and THEN it sent me to Home page. NOT very user friendly.
Apparently those required fields ONLY show up when (IF) theycome back and try to login, however they can NOT log in since they are notauthorized and I have no information about them to know if I should authorizethem.
Obviously I misunderstand how to use the RegistrationSettings page. Can someone give me a push in the right direction???