The member directory is frustrating when you get into customizing it. I got my mailto links to work in the user profile page with custom profile properties but the profile cards are something completely different.
Profile Template Code for Custom OfficeEmail Field
<li data-bind="visible: OfficeEmail().length > 0"><span><strong>Office Email: </strong></span><a href="mailto:[PROFILE:OFFICEEMAIL]" class="profOfficeEmail" data-bind="attr: { title: OfficeEmail(), mailto:OfficeEmail() }" ><span data-bind="text: OfficeEmail()"></span></a></li>
...this works for a user's profile page.
My Member Directory Code for Email Field (the pesky profile cards)
<li class="mdEmail">
<a href="mailto:[OfficeEmail]" class="mdEmail" ">
<span data-bind="text: ProfileProperties().OfficeEmail"></span></li>
It opens in Outlook but the email does not come through.
I see how the href links to a user profile page like this...
<a href="" class="mdMemberImg" data-bind="attr: { title: DisplayName, href: ProfileUrl }">
Now if I want to build an email link, one would think to do it like this.
<a href="" class="mdOfficeEmail" data-bind="attr: { title: OfficeEmail, mailto: OfficeEmail }"> Can somebody shed some light on how to simply include a email link in the member profile card?