Forget my other post, let's try this again. I'd delete the other post or edit it if either were possible.
All I know is this -- I can start with a DAL2 MVC Template from Chris' templates and get nowhere fast.
Basics: Running DNN 8.0.4(226) Install package locally using IIS. I'm on Windows 10 Professional, using Visual Studio 2015 Professional. As far as I know, since the templates from Chris are titled with DNN 8/9, I have the latest and greatest templates.
I've deleted any and all prior installs of the module template. I'm right now running just the install site with whatever it comes with. In VS 2015, New Project dialog, I'm selecting the DNN 8/9 C# DAL2 MVC Module template. I have the default directory already set to \Website\DesktopModules\MVC\ for the local site.
Images don't show here, don't know why or I'd paste one. I see them, you guys can't. :) The Name dialog to keep it simple is just 'Durthaler'. No directory is set for the solution file.
So far, so good. I'm at Chris' wizard as we speak. Again, I'd just fill out the wizard, screen shoot it, post it if you guys could see images. I have NO idea why they won't show up here ... (hint ... can this be made to work??? :) ... ).
Christoc.Modules in Name space has 'Durthaler'.
Next line, Owner Name -- DALMVC -- If I put Durthaler again that will be too confusing.
Email -- I put in my sbc global address.
Owner Website -- put in mine
Local Dev URL for me is -- it's set up in IIS and I'm logged into it as we speak. It's working.
I click OK ... From the documentation HTML file, right off I get this very confusing line. From the get go I'm not sure if I've titled the module correctly or not:
When creating a project using this template, you should have named your project simply "ModuleName", not "DALMVCModuleName". If you didn't do this, the easiest thing to do is close the solution, delete the folder from your DesktopModules folder, then create a new project. With all due respect to Chris, I just have to assume the module name is acceptable. I honestly can't see what's being communicated here. Let's leave it and go to the next step.
There are no virtual directories in IIS, so this is OK
I have the .Net 4.0 Integrated running with Network Service as the Identity. The .Net platform is not changed so this step should be OK.
Following the next step, I edit the properties to have the Web | Start URL as The Servers Section is correct, running as IIS with the project URL correctly pointing to the location of the module project.
The properties file is saved and closed.
Steps after project is set up --
1. Went to Build | Config Manager, changed from Debug to Release. Built the module, success
2. There is no install zip file created. This is where the mystery starts, figured that creating the module from the manifest and this is where things all went wrong. My bad ... got creative when this step 2 here didn't work as advertised.
OK, let's stop here. Have I even got the correct MS Build scripts?
At this point creating the module from the manifest or the View control is the only option. Both were tried and brother did that attempt really FUBAR everything.
When the build step doesn't work ... what do we try next?
Thanks -- I think we can now get some views to this and get somewhere. Sorry for the earlier confusion.