Hi Everyone !!
I have created an MVC module template from the package offered by Chris-Hammod https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/...
Effectively and as he explains in his videos, I have a basic module that removes, creates, reads and updates a list of elements with a name and a description.
I am trying to understand all the code to be able to start creating my own and I can not find the script that executes to read, create, delete and edit the elements of the list.
I run an SQLProfiler and I could tell that it does the scripts with a sp_executesql: EJ
exec sp_executesql N'DELETE FROM [DNNModuloPropio_Items] WHERE [ItemId] = @ 0 ', N' @ 0 int ', @ 0 = 3
My problem is that I even debug the code and I can not see where that "DELETE FROM" or "INSERT INTO" is stored. Everything comes to this class and it ends there.
public void DeleteItem (Item t)
using (IDataContext ctx = DataContext.Instance ())
var rep = ctx.GetRepository <Item> ();
rep.Delete (t);
I remain attentive to your support, thank you very much!