I just uploaded another version and fixed several reported issues...please reload/retest...you know the drill 
Here's some of the fixes made:
1) Fixed - Look at Session and Query parameter names (must be module and in some cases instance unique)
2) Fixed - Under Event Module Settings:
Month View Cell Select: Selecting this will disable Month View Cell Events display and enable a link to the Days Events.
3) Fixed - It seems like for other similar properties you would have labeled this "Disable Month View Cell Select"
4) Fixed - Export/Import events is not yet supported...look at a way to turn off the menu.
5) Fixed - Change Date Select Textbox to 75px (month view)
6) Fixed - I added events to the current day today 2/15. When I am in the default month view and click on the current day "15" the events go away. 3. Eventually when I continue to click on other things or click on the
'Today' view it takes me back to the highlighted cell with the events posted again.
7) Fixed - Some issues w/Session variables that were causing problems (especially when 2 or more instances installed on the site)