Hi guys, I'm not sure how everyone's using the Event's module, but we use it here to keep track of deployments. What I'd like to be able to do is send out reminders to everyone x hours/days before this happens so people don't forget or get shocked. I know there's the enrollment feature, but it does require people to enroll, and many people by nature are lazy and won't do this (let alone figure out how to do this).
What I was thinking would be a good feature is to add a field to automatically send remindrs to either:
1. A specific email (which I would then simply just put a group email in).
or (and would be even better :) )
2. A specific role in which I would simply assign everyone to.
Also, one last usability request/question:
Is it possible to automatically have the owner/creator of an event automatically be enrolled into the event if the event is marked as allow enrollment? This really wouldn't be necessary if the other 2 items above were doable, but if they weren't, this would provide a possible alternative.
Just curious if anyone else has run into a similar issue as me? I'm wondering if there might be an alternative workaround?
As always, thank you guys for all your dedicated hard work on this project!