I would find it really useful if there were some extra fields for events, these being Venue (a free format field, not tied to another table as Location is), Organiser contact details; eg organiser's email address, telephone numbers, with the possibility of more than one organiser per event. These could even be optionally tied to member's details so that a form of private messaging could be used. Of course these details would not necessarily the member who's inputting the event details, but possibly a selection of people from a role, IYSWIM.
My use case is that I also want to be able to extract info about recurring events from the event tables such that the events are listed by name with the following columns:
EventName, EventDesc, Contact Details, How Often, Which Day.
In my situation, I can manage most of this with the following (incomplete, I'm just playing at the moment) SQL Statement
Select EventName, EventDesc,
Case repeatType
when 'm1' then 'Monthly, on the'
as 'When',
Case Every
when 1 then '1<sup>st</sup>'
when 2 then '2<sup>nd</sup>'
when 3 then '3<sup>rd</sup>'
when 4 then '4<sup>th</sup>'
when 5 then 'last'
as 'Every',
case period
when 0 then 'Sun'
when 1 then 'Mon'
when 2 then 'Tues'
when 3 then 'Wed'
when 4 then 'Thurs'
when 5 then 'Fri'
when 6 then 'Sat'
as 'Which Day'
from events where portalid = 0 and category = 1 order by eventname
Any chance that this could be added to an enhancement log?
Many thanks
PS, the EventDesc data in the table has been htmlencoded, how do I display this properly in the browser? There must be a way as it works the same with the html/text module, but I can't see how to do it.
Sorry about the crossposting of the last bit.