I would like to ask, if it is possible and if yes how, to change the event title field (wich appears in the add event & in the edit event popup page) from TextBox to DropDownList with some preconfigured values for the user to choose from.
I opened the EditEvents.ascx file and i changed line 27 from
<asp:TextBox id="txtTitle" cssclass="dnnFormRequired NormalTextBox" runat="server" MaxLength="100" Columns="30" width="250px" Font-Size="8pt"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:DropDownList id="txtTitle" cssclass="dnnFormRequired NormalTextBox" runat="server" MaxLength="100" Columns="30" width="250px" Font-Size="8pt"></asp:DropDownList>
After that, i opened the file EditEvents.ascx.designer.vb and i changed line 60 from
Protected WithEvents txtTitle As Global.System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtTitle As Global.System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList
Now, when i try to add an event, in the popup i get the following error message:
The base class includes the field 'txtTitle', but its type (System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox) is not compatible with the type of control (System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList)
Does anyone happens to know what i have to change, in order to achieve converting the Event Title field from TextBox to DropDownList?
Thank you very much.