Joined: 12/3/2004
Posts: 362
Your help was great, I really appreciate it.
Here is how it worked for me now in case someone else needs it:
Yen, if you think it should be written otherwise please feel free to make notes for others (and me of course)
Public MustOverride Function ATR_PSCH_Questions_Add_GetNewRowID(ByVal Q_Text As String, ByVal Q_Status As Integer, ByVal Q_Level_AVG As Decimal, ByVal Q_Quality_AVG As Decimal, ByVal Q_Created_By As Integer, ByVal Q_Create_Time As Date, ByVal Q_Last_Upd_By As Integer, ByVal Q_Last_Upd_Time As Date, ByVal Q_Is_Example As Boolean, ByVal Q_Bundle As Integer, ByVal Q_Type As Integer, ByVal Q_Ans_Explanation As String, ByVal Q_Pic1 As Integer, ByVal Q_Pic2 As Integer, ByVal Q_Pic3 As Integer, ByVal newQID As Integer) As String
Public Overrides Function ATR_PSCH_Questions_Add_GetNewRowID(ByVal Q_Text As String, ByVal Q_Status As Integer, ByVal Q_Level_AVG As Decimal, ByVal Q_Quality_AVG As Decimal, ByVal Q_Created_By As Integer, ByVal Q_Create_Time As Date, ByVal Q_Last_Upd_By As Integer, ByVal Q_Last_Upd_Time As Date, ByVal Q_Is_Example As Boolean, ByVal Q_Bundle As Integer, ByVal Q_Type As Integer, ByVal Q_Ans_Explanation As String, ByVal Q_Pic1 As Integer, ByVal Q_Pic2 As Integer, ByVal Q_Pic3 As Integer, ByVal newQID As Integer) As String
Return CType(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(ConnectionString, GetFullyQualifiedName("ATR_PSCH_Questions_Add_GetNewRowID"), Q_Text, Q_Status, Q_Level_AVG, Q_Quality_AVG, Q_Created_By, Q_Create_Time, Q_Last_Upd_By, Q_Last_Upd_Time, Q_Is_Example, Q_Bundle, Q_Type, Q_Ans_Explanation, Q_Pic1, Q_Pic2, Q_Pic3, newQID), String)
End Function
Public Function ATR_PSCH_Questions_Add_GetNewRowID(ByVal objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add As PsychoAddQInfo, ByVal newQID As Integer) As String
Return (DataProvider.Instance().ATR_PSCH_Questions_Add_GetNewRowID(objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Text, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Status, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Level_AVG, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Quality_AVG, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Created_By, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Create_Time, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Last_Upd_By, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Last_Upd_Time, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Is_Example, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Bundle, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Type, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Ans_Explanation, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Pic1, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Pic2, objATR_PSCH_Questions_Add.Q_Pic3, newQID))
End Function
Thank you,
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www.tressleworks.ca Joined: 4/16/2004
Posts: 493
Just checking as it's not completely clear -- GetNewRowID is a separate call to the database AFTER the insert? One issue to consider is the possibility of someone adding a record at the exact time you are ... the second call to get the GetNewRowID may possibly get the other row. Depends on your site ... but possible.
In such a case I return the new row id as the status of the Create.
Here is the stored procedure .... return 0 or the row id ..
CREATE PROCEDURE CreateCarrierContacts
@CustomerCode as varchar(5),
@CarrierCode as varchar(10),
@Name as varchar(50),
@Role as varchar(100),
@Email as varchar(100),
@WebSite as varchar(100),
@Contact1 as varchar(250),
@Contact2 as varchar(250),
@CreatedDT as datetime
Set NoCount On
Declare @Rtn as Int
Insert FZ_CarrierContacts with (ROWLOCK) (
[CustomerCode], [CarrierCode], [Name], [Role], [Email], [WebSite],
[Contact1], [Contact2], [CreatedDT] )
Values (
@CustomerCode, @CarrierCode, @Name, @Role, @Email, @WebSite,
@Contact1, @Contact2, @CreatedDT )
Set @Rtn = 0
If @@RowCount = 1 -- update successful
Set @Rtn = cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)
Return @Rtn
So the Function then becomes the following... it return an Integer value of the New row ID
Public Overrides Function CreateCustomers(ByVal psCustomerCode As String, ByVal psName As String,
ByVal psAddress1 As String, ByVal psAddress2 As String,
ByVal psCityCode As String, ByVal psPostalCode As String) As Integer
Dim sProc As String = DatabaseOwner & ObjectQualifier & "CreateCustomers"
Return CType(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(ConnectionString, sProc, psCustomerCode, psName,
psAddress1, psAddress2, psCityCode, psPostalCode, System.DateTime.Now),
End Function
Here is how I use the example.
oInfo.ItemID = SavedItemID
oInfo.CustomerCode = txtCustomerCode.Text
oInfo.Name = txtName.Text
oInfo.Address1 = txtAddress1.Text
oInfo.Address2 = txtAddress2.Text
oInfo.CityCode = ctlCityCode.SelectedCityCode
oInfo.PostalCode = txtPostalCode.Text
oInfo.ModifiedDT = txtModifiedDT.Text
oInfo.CreatedDT = txtCreatedDT.Text
If SavedItemID < 0 Then
SavedItemID = oController.Create(oInfo)
oInfo = oController.ReadByItemID(SavedItemID)
End If
Notice that I user the Returned value to read the newly inserted record.
Hope this helps
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www.intuitiveit.com.au Joined: 1/9/2005
Posts: 32
Hi Yehuda,
Glad to have been of assistance.
All the best
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Joined: 12/3/2004
Posts: 362
Thanks. Sorry for the delayed response, the forum's notification does not notify somehow.
The motivation for my initial question was the fact that I must get the current user's newly inserted rowID of course.
Public Function ATR_PSCH_Questions_Add_GetNewRowID is the actual insert function. I do not fully understand the theory behind it but after I used the code Yen sent and played with it it worked (my original sub was replaced with the new function I posted)
If i get it right, the main part of your code is:
Set @Rtn = 0
If @@RowCount = 1 -- update successful
Set @Rtn = cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)
Return @Rtn
where you reset the rows count and then you check the counter to see if it counts only 1
Is that correct?
Also, I thought that the sql code
returns the current insert new id, isn't that correct?
Paul Scarlett wrote:
Just checking as it's not completely clear -- GetNewRowID is a separate call to the database AFTER the insert? One issue to consider is the possibility of someone adding a record at the exact time you are ... the second call to get the GetNewRowID may possibly get the other row. Depends on your site ... but possible.
In such a case I return the new row id as the status of the Create.
Here is the stored procedure .... return 0 or the row id ..
CREATE PROCEDURE CreateCarrierContacts
@CustomerCode as varchar(5),
@CarrierCode as varchar(10),
@Name as varchar(50),
@Role as varchar(100),
@Email as varchar(100),
@WebSite as varchar(100),
@Contact1 as varchar(250),
@Contact2 as varchar(250),
@CreatedDT as datetime
Set NoCount On
Declare @Rtn as Int
Insert FZ_CarrierContacts with (ROWLOCK) (
[CustomerCode], [CarrierCode], [Name], [Role], [Email], [WebSite],
[Contact1], [Contact2], [CreatedDT] )
Values (
@CustomerCode, @CarrierCode, @Name, @Role, @Email, @WebSite,
@Contact1, @Contact2, @CreatedDT )
Set @Rtn = 0
If @@RowCount = 1 -- update successful
Set @Rtn = cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)
Return @Rtn
So the Function then becomes the following... it return an Integer value of the New row ID
Public Overrides Function CreateCustomers(ByVal psCustomerCode As String, ByVal psName As String,
ByVal psAddress1 As String, ByVal psAddress2 As String,
ByVal psCityCode As String, ByVal psPostalCode As String) As Integer
Dim sProc As String = DatabaseOwner & ObjectQualifier & "CreateCustomers"
Return CType(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(ConnectionString, sProc, psCustomerCode, psName,
psAddress1, psAddress2, psCityCode, psPostalCode, System.DateTime.Now),
End Function
Here is how I use the example.
oInfo.ItemID = SavedItemID
oInfo.CustomerCode = txtCustomerCode.Text
oInfo.Name = txtName.Text
oInfo.Address1 = txtAddress1.Text
oInfo.Address2 = txtAddress2.Text
oInfo.CityCode = ctlCityCode.SelectedCityCode
oInfo.PostalCode = txtPostalCode.Text
oInfo.ModifiedDT = txtModifiedDT.Text
oInfo.CreatedDT = txtCreatedDT.Text
If SavedItemID < 0 Then
SavedItemID = oController.Create(oInfo)
oInfo = oController.ReadByItemID(SavedItemID)
End If
Notice that I user the Returned value to read the newly inserted record.
Hope this helps
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