I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle the following scenario. Any help wuold be appreciated.
Let's say I have several different view controls (several different ascx user controls). Each is a module in its own right and can be added to any page individually. But I need to open any of them from any of the other modules.
For example: Recipes.ascx, Ingredients.ascx, Sources.ascx, Source.ascx
Modulle: Recipes
I have a button on it called Ingredients which will open a popup of the Incgredients.ascx passing in the recipeID parameter so only ingredients for that Recipe are shown. This of course works fine.
Now I have a button called Sources on that Ingredients.ascx which is supposed to pop up the sources, or places, where someonec could get those ingredients. I can't get this popup to work, even though I have registered Sources.ascx as a view control in both the Recipes module and in the Ingredients module.
Then to take it one step furhter, I have a button on the Sources form called Source; pressing that button should pop up the details of the source they are interested in knowing more about.
I can't get either of the final two steps above to work.
How is this type of scenario best handled in DNN? I don't just want to redirect the user to another module, they should be able to stay right on the recipe they are on and be able to drill down to ingredients... sources... source and then be ble to close the popups down to get back to the recipe module. It's fine if there is only one popup at a time, e.g., they open ingredients, then when they click Sources, the ingredients popup is replaced by the Sources popup; then when they press Source the Sources popup is replaced by the Source popup; when they close any popup along the way they get back to the previous popup. That is the desired effect.
To summarize:
Recipes --> Ingredients --> Sources --> Source
Launching any popup replaces the prevous popup
Closing any popup returns the user to the previous view, all the way back to Recipes.
Anyone know how to handle this scenario?