DNN 6.1.3
I've seen several articles/examples of creating a custom scheduled job in DNN. Most all show calling Completed() once done. but there was an article that stated that you are not supposed to explicitly call it as it is always called internally and doing so will re-set the NextStart time. I've seen that happen in my testing, however, I am confused as to what is supposed to happen if you set the .Success = false.
In my testing, the job then always stays in the "Items Processing" Queue. And everytime you refresh the Schedule history for that job, it always shows the job listed in a not succeeded status, but the next start time always shows the current time. It essentially seems to be stuck in processing status. Also any lognotes you add never show in the history...again because it seems it never finishes.
I have the retry time set to 2 min...but it never retries. If I do call the Completed() method on task failer, then the task is cleared from the Items Processing queue, the AddLogNotes do display and the NextStart gets set to a definitive time, though it is set to the job timelapse internval (in this case 15 min) instead of the Retry interval (2 min).
So you got a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. How is this supposed to work????