Well i know this is not supposed to be done but i had to do it, so... here it goes the quick fix:
1. Open the project "Dnn.PersonaBar.Extensions" (only this project. not the entire solution)
2. Add the missing Refences to the project "Dnn.PersonaBar.Extensions" from the Builded solution "DNN.Platform" (dll files inside "Website\bin\")
3. Edit File "Services\ExtensionsController.cs"
- Go to method "GetModuleFiles" and change the switch to "switch ((int)type == 3 ? FileType.Manifest : type)"
4. Edit File "Components\CreateModuleController.cs"
- Go to method "CreateModuleFromManifest" and change 2 things:
1. "createModuleDto.Manifest" to "createModuleDto.FileName"
2. and change the "Path.Combine(..." to "Path.Combine(Globals.ApplicationMapPath, "DesktopModules/" + folder + "/" + createModuleDto.FileName)"