Looking at your site - I'm not convinced that it has much to do with indexes being fragmented. Yes, it could to a certain extent as they can cause some impact, as can a large event log or site log. But this often has more to do with memory management and paging overflows or application restarts than just indexes that need reorganizing.
The most basic call you can make to a dnn website is to KeepAlive.aspx as in
Two back to back calls to this page resulted in an all most 1 minute turn around.
2/20/2011 6:55:10 PM
2/20/2011 6:56:06 PM
The first place, I would be looking is for any indications that your application is being restarted by your application pool being flushed or recycled.
Check your site event log for evidence of restarts - and also talk to your host.
A page turn around on keepalive.aspx should be almost instant on back to back calls - since it does NOT access the full dnn page framework as such - yes it does cause all the http handlers to fire - but a lot of other stuff is ignored since it is not needing to render a dnn page context or load skins or render the menu or containers or modules - the whole idea of keepalive.aspx is to be a minimal processing call - that only tickles the application to start up in its lowest state.
The first time you call it - yes it will take a little extra time as the application pool loads and the core dnn code is compiled and the dnn context initialized - the second call to it however should be all but instant since everything in the core should be compiled and the dnn context in cache.
The fact that the second back to back call is taking up to a minute would suggest that for some reason the application pool is being shut down or recycled.
The most common reason for this is that the memory allocation assigned to the application pool is lower than the amount of memory needed to run dnn.
There are steps that can be taken - see the previous post re cleaning site event logs etc - since these can consume memory resources.
Also a very large transaction log in ms sql can also contribute in some ways - but thats often more about memory management at a server level that the application poll < if the server has iis and ms sql on the same box - and not enough memory then the server can go into a memory paging cycle where the application pool and the ms sql server effectively start fighting each other for memory - but as a rule I would not expect that to directly impact so severely on back to back calls to keepalive.
Just me 2 cents