The first example:
Question template:
<div Class="Normal">
Example question:
<p><strong>Where can I get the .NET Framework?</strong></p>
Example answer:
<p>You can download .NET Framework (23.1 MB) from <a target="_blank" href="">Microsoft</a>. If this link doesn’t work, go to <a target="_blank" href=""></a> and search for .NET Framework 1.1.</p>
The second one:
Question template:
<div Class="Normal">
Example question:
<p><strong>How can I change my newsletter subscription status?</strong></p>
Example answer:
<p>Log in, then click on your user name on the right side of the page under the red bar. Next, click on <strong>Manage Services</strong>. You will then see a list of available services. Click on <strong>Subscribe</strong> or <strong>Unsubscribe</strong>, as needed.</p>
(In all my FAQ’s, the text for the answer appears on the next line after the word “Answer”, which is how I like it.)
Hey, wait a minute! I just went back and tried removing the <p> tags from the question again and now the question is formatted the way I want it even though the system put the tags back! I tried this trick on my local system where all the questions are formatted wrong and it worked, except that the order of the questions changed. Apparently editing a question will change its order because it was saved later than all the others. I tried clicking on the pencil, then saving without changing anything to see if I could get them back in the order I wanted and that worked, except that the bad formatting came back! I tried removing the <p> tags again and now everything is the way I want it. Fortunately, only one question needed changing to get them back in order.