I encountered a scare today when updating this page: http://www.jcceducationfoundation.com/CurrentContributors/tabid/671/Default.aspx
As you can see, I'm using the FAQ module to "trim down" the data displayed on this page to minimize scrolling. Sure, this isn't a traditional FAQ, but hey--it works great and the client loves it.
There are two instances of the FAQ module on this page, both identical as far as settings are concerned, and both using AJAX.
Today when doing updates to the page, I noticed that all entries in both FAQ modules were showing "null - null" when expanded. I at first thought all the data was lost, but editing the questions showed the data was still as it should have been. I looked on a couple other portals utilizing the FAQ module with AJAX and found the problem was isolated to this portal only.
I switched off the AJAX Enabled function and the FAQ module worked fine. Then, to reduce postbacks, I re-enabled AJAX and the problem was fixed.
My question though, is has anyone else experienced anything like this?
I was lucky to check this today...would hate to have this happen to a client's site when I'm not doing updates on it and have it go unnoticed for weeks.