I'm working on a site which has iFrame'd pages for a custom search. The developer of the search system requires code be inserted into the page that will modify the URL of the iFrame source. I am curious if anyone knows if this is even possible with any third party modules, much less the core? I read on Snowcovered that Viva is being merged into the core, but I wasn't sure what the timeframe is on that, or if it can even handle something like this... the "API Code" the developer has provided is this:
show_quicksearch = "no"
searchurl = Request.QueryString("quicksearch")
if searchurl <> "" or len(searchurl) > 0 then
searchurl = replace(searchurl, "xSQx", "'")
searchurl = replace(searchurl, "xSLASHx", "/")
searchurl = replace(searchurl, "xCOLONx", ":")
searchurl = replace(searchurl, "xSPACEx", " ")
searchurl = replace(searchurl, "xPERx", ".")
searchurl = replace(searchurl, "xEQx", "=")
searchurl = replace(searchurl, "xQUESx", "?")
searchurl = replace(searchurl, "xAMPx", "&")
searchurl = replace(searchurl, "xDASHx", "-")
searchurl = replace(searchurl, "xUNDERx", "_")
show_quicksearch = "yes"
end if
If someone does the quicksearch, it will pass to the appropriate page which holds the frameset for new or used. Then it will pass the querystring called quicksearch which has an encoded URL to pass
smoothly without breaking any links or losing pieces of the link. From here if that parameter exists, meaning the person got to this page from using the quicksearch, we need to use that link passed as
the source to the iframe. If no parameter exists then they got here normally by choosing to view new or used inventory, and we must display the link that you have in place now already.
<iframe src="<% if show_quicksearch = "no" then %>http://YOUR EXISTING LINK HERE/browse2.asp?param_new-used=used<% else %><%=searchurl%><% end if %>"></iframe>