This is doable, but you will need to execute some SQL after each update of the links.
The first issue is the vieworder is a integer value so we must convert the date string to a numeric value - such as following ( assumes date is at the beginning of Link Title)
select Cast(SUBSTRING(Title, 1, 2) as int) * 10000
+ Cast(SUBSTRING(Title, 4, 2) as int) * 100
+ Cast(SUBSTRING(Title, 8, 2) as int)
as ViewOrder from dbo.Links.
This will take a title of "09.12.17" and generate a vieworder of 91217.
Next issue is the need to reverse the display order. The first link display will have the lowest value, so we need to invert the results of the select
select 1000000 - (Cast(SUBSTRING(Title, 1, 2) as int) * 10000
+ Cast(SUBSTRING(Title, 4, 2) as int) * 100
+ Cast(SUBSTRING(Title, 8, 2) as int) )
as ViewOrder from dbo.Links.
Since the largest possible value could be 991212, I will use 1000000 as the upper value and subtract the generated value - this will invert the value of the vieworder. For example. this will result in "09.12.17" becoming 908793, and 10.02.14 becoming 899796. The second value is a lower value than the first and therefore will displayed before the first value.
So, to make this work we need to update the vieworder column in the links table for the specific moduleid associated with the Links. How can we determine the ModuleID? When you add a link to the module, the URL of the edit page will be something like
The mid/395 defines the moduleid (395) for this instance of the Links Module.
So we have everything we need:
Update dbo.Links
set vieworder = 1000000 - (Cast(SUBSTRING(Title, 1, 2) as int) * 10000
+ Cast(SUBSTRING(Title, 4, 2) as int) * 100
+ Cast(SUBSTRING(Title, 8, 2) as int) )
where moduleid = 395 <----- change this to appropriate moduleID
You will need to sign on as Host and use the SQL page to execute the update -- or if you have direct access to the database you can do it from some SQL utility such as MS SSMS. You will need to do this every time you add a link to the module.
Also, I did not add an objectqualifier and used dbo as the database owner. If needed change dbo.Link to {DatabaseOwner}. {ObjectQualifier}Links
Hope this helps