Hi All
I have a problem with the News Feed module...
Could Not Connect To http://eng.moj.gov.jo/getRSS.aspx?pid=0&tid=112&mid=664&cnt=2. You Should Verify The Source Address Is Valid And That Your Hosting Provider Has Configured Their Proxy Server Settings Correctly
I installed the news module on my local machine, and linked it with the news source from my online website, it worked fine!!
I tried another thing, I linked the non-working news module on the online website with an external news source (like http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/arabic/news/rss.xml) and it worked fine!!
So the problem occurs only when connecting the newsmodule installed on my online website with the news source from the same onlie website … isn’t that weird??
Any suggestions?
i tried the trust level...and proxy settings...nothing solved the problem..
also i tried another RSS module,,,the same,,,,
Many Thanks