I'd still recommend trying the feed validator (easy and free) though I agree from your description that your feed is probably ok with regards to problematic characters/sequences.
I mentioned the XML module because it also supports providing login credentials for "protected" feeds. Configuration is nearly as quick as for the NewsFeed module.
Assuming you're wanting to keep the blog page itself private, while you figure things out you could open your blog page to unauthenticated users but keep the page hidden by:
(1) Add new page, set link type to "page on your site" and point it at the blog page. Set this new page's permissions to whatever private permissions you've been using for the BLOG page. Now the menu item for the new page shows up only when logged in with proper permissions.
(2) Go into blog page's SETTINGS and de-select "Include in Menu" option. Your blog page remains open to the public but is no longer accessible via the menu unless you're logged in. (Note: It will, however, still show up in most sitemaps if you're using a sitemap.)
It's hardly a perfect solution but it might help tide you over while you get an answer on your issue.