Ok, I'm stumped. I use this module to read a number of feeds with no problem, then I get to the one from amCharts:
It renders, but the links are junk, going to a comments url that is worthless. So we look at the feed xml itself, turns out there are 5 different links per entry in the feed (replies, replies, edit, self, and alternate). The built-in transformations are all taking the first link (replies), but I need it to take the one marked alternate.
Since I stink at writing XSL, I figure I'll take the default.xsl (that is working but is returning the wrong link), and figure out how to change it, except when I download the source package and find the Default.xsl within it, and copy it out to the file system as a starting point before I try to hack it, I can't even get the feed to load anymore, it just gives me the message:
Feed errors:
Feed '
http://feeds.feedburner.com/amcharts?...' could not be loaded. Error: Download error (XSLT compile error.)
I try this same technique on another feed (that is using the default transformation as well), and get the same thing.
Am I doing something wrong? Shouldn't this work the same way as calling the default.xsl from the dropdown?