I need to make some minor changes to the repository module ( originally version .net 1.1). I have the source code for the repository but when I build the site it gives an error "could not load type" in VS2005. I tried different things.
I have done:
I put the classes in the App_Code/Repository directory, (DataProvider.vb, RepositoryDB.vb, RepositoryBL.vb, upgrade.vb, SqlDataProvider.vb, assamblyInfo.vb)
I changed web.config and added in CodeSubdirectories "Repository"
I tried using src in the control directive (with it, I get new errors)
Deleted the dll related to repository obviously.
It gives the above error "could not load type ..."
Any suggestions/help? If you have the module with your changes working in VS2005 or VWD I would appreciate it very much:
Manolo: mtpd2002@yahoo.es
Thank you.