I'm experiencing problems downloading files from the Repository module. As you can see in this page: http://www.chios-echo.gr/Default.aspx?tabid=202 there is a word document as well as several .zip files. (If you don't understand the interface language don't worry, it's Greek :) ) When I try to download the word document and open it, it downloads both in IE and FF but opens as a zero-length document. IE says it has downloaded 0 bytes. I tried to download the file through my provider's web -based control panel and it downloaded correctly.
When I try to select a zip document, it seems to download correctly but I get an "unexpected end of file" error and, of course, the downloaded zip file seems corrupt.
For example, by trying to download the fourth file from the top (4012K), the result I get is a corrupt zip file with size 3,87 MB (4.066.313 bytes).
When I download the same file (I locate the file and download it through my provider's web-based file manager interface - dotnetpanel) the file downloads correctly, it's not corrupted and the file size is 3,91 MB (4.108.029 bytes). Close enough to the 4012K estimate that Repository gives for it.
This happens with all zip files, they are downloaded but with a size a bit smaller than the size mentioned in the repository.
I have already altered the httpRuntime parameters in my web.config file as follows:
The above settings haven't changed the download behaviour at all.
All files seem to download correctly via alternative means (i.e. my provider's web-based file manager or via FTP). I'm using DNN 04.05.03 with Repository 03.01.13.
What else should I look for? Am I doing something wrong?